African Hunting Dog
Gadhar seilge AfracachLycaon Pictus
Habitat:Sub-Saharan Africa to South Africa, except for West and Central African rainforests– savannah, plains, swamps, semi-desert, mountains up to 3,000m
Scientific name: Lycaon pictus
IUCN status: Endangered
Habitat: Sub-Saharan Africa to South Africa, except for
West and Central African rainforests- savannah, plains, swamps,
semi-desert, mountains up to 3,000m
Diet: Carnivore - gazelle, impala, zebra, wildebeest,
hares, rodents, other small animals Also known as African wild or
painted dogs (the scientific name means 'painted wolf'), African hunting
dogs have unique coat markings, making them easily identifiable within
packs. They are endangered because they compete for prey with larger
carnivores such as lions and spotted hyenas over a wide territory. They
are also killed by livestock herders and game hunters and blighted by
canine distemper and parvo virus.
Did you know?
The whole pack of African hunting dogs takes care of its pups and allows
them to feed first, even before the dominant breeding pair
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