Asian Elephant
Eilifint ÁiseachElephas maximus
Habitat:Sri Lanka and east as far as Sumatra – dry and wet forests and plains
IUCN status Endangered
Habitat India, Sri Lanka and east as far as Sumatra –
dry and wet forests and plains
Diet Herbivore – grasses, bamboo, legumes, succulent
climbers, creepers, palms, bark
It is estimated there are less than 42,000 Asian elephants remaining in
the wild and they have
virtually disappeared from south-west Asia and China. Wild herds are
made up of females led by a matriarch and are only joined by males when
they are ready to breed. Compared with African elephants, the Asian
species has smaller ears (shaped rather like India!), its head
is higher than its shoulder, its trunk has only one finger-like bump at
the end as opposed to two, and it has four toenails on its hind feet.
Did you know?
An elephant’s trunk is formed from the nose and upper lip. It is used
for breathing, smelling, touching, communicating, washing, dust-bathing,
picking up objects, eating and drinking!
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