Red Panda
Panda RuaAilurus fulgens fulgens
Habitat:Mountain forests of southern Asia, especially the Himalayas
IUCN status:
Habitat: Mountain forests of southern Asia, especially
the Himalayas
Diet: Mainly herbivore – bamboo, grasses, roots,
acorns, fruit and occasionally eggs, insects, birds and rodents
Red pandas have thick dense fur and a long bushy tail to keep them warm.
The fur on the soles of their feet also prevents them from slipping on
wet branches. Mainly active at sunrise and sunset, they spend the rest
of their time asleep in the trees. Red pandas have become endangered
through human activity – the cutting down of their forest homes and the
bamboo that forms the main part of their diet.
Did you know?
Red pandas have an extra ‘thumb’ for gripping food; this is actually an
elongated wrist bone.
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