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Sumatran Tiger

Sumatran Tiger

Taipir Bhrasaíleach

Tapirus terrestris


South America east of the Andes including north Columbia, Brazil, Paraguay and north Argentina – dense, tropical forests by rivers


IUCN status Vulnerable

Habitat South America east of the Andes including north Columbia, Brazil, Paraguay and north Argentina – dense, tropical forests by rivers

Diet Herbivore – leaves, fruits, stems, grasses, ferns

Related to rhinos and horses, tapirs are always found near water and usually run into rivers to escape predators such as the jaguar. They are excellent swimmers and spend much time submerged to cool off and remove skin parasites. Their long, flexible snouts are used like a snorkel as well as for foraging and sniffing out danger. Youngsters are spotted and striped for camouflage on the forest floor.

Did you know?
Tapirs can live for about 30 years so Dublin Zoo’s pair, Marmaduke and Sasha, both born in 1985, are in the prime of their lives!

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