Anita Langstone
Trainee Zookeeper
Favourite Animals:I love them all but to pick one it would be the gorillas.
Time at Zoo4 Years
How did you become a zookeeper?
I studied field ecology in University College Cork, became a zoo
volunteer and after a year a position came up and here I am!
What kind of animals do you take care of?
Currently I look after the Western Lowland gorillas or the Borrean
orangutang, Siamang gibbons, macaques, spider monkeys and lemurs. I have
looked after the Amur and Sunatran tigers, snow leopards and wolves
Which are your favourite animals in the Zoo?
I love them all but to pick one it would be the gorillas.
Do you have any pets at home?
I have 6 goldfish in a pond in the back garden.
Can you tell us one of your most exciting/most memorable
moments in the Zoo?
There are many! Observing a baby gorilla, Kambiri, suckle for the first
time from her hand-reared mother Mayari was very special.
What do you love most about your job?
I enjoy the satisfaction of giving the animals the best care I can, and
seeing them active and happy.
What’s the most difficult thing about your work?
It's difficult when an animal you have looked after gets sick or even
dies, but you have to move on for the other animals.
When you’re not working in the zoo, what other hobbies or
interests do you have?
I enjoy golf, hiking, beach walks, reading and spending time with family
and friends.
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