Red Ruff Lemur
Léamar rua-rufachVarecia variegate rubera
Habitat:North-east Madagascar - tropical rainforest
Scientific name: Varecia variegate rubera
IUCN status: Endangered
Habitat: North-east Madagascar - tropical rainforest
Diet: Herbivore – mainly fruit, leaves, nectar
Red-ruffed lemurs spend most of their life searching for food. They may
cover several kilometres each day looking for fruiting trees and call to
family and friends when one is found. Neighbouring groups have a system
of calls to warn of danger from predators such as snakes, birds of prey
and the native fossa (civet). Their survival is under threat from
deforestation, the illegal pet trade and food hunters.
Did you know? Fruit makes up 75% of the red-ruffed
lemur diet and their favourites are ripe, juicy figs.
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