Veiled Chameleon
Veiled ChameleonChamaeleo calyptratus
Habitat:Plateaus of mountainous regions, forests and valleys of southern Saudi Arabia and Yemen
IUCN status Not evaluated
Habitat Plateaus of mountainous regions, forests and
valleys of southern Saudi Arabia and Yemen-Arboreal lizards, meaning they
prefer to live high up in trees or lower near the ground in bushes and
Diet Omnivores-While their main diet consists of insects,
they will occasionally consume the leaves, blossoms, and fruit of various
Like most chameleons, veiled chameleons are specialized tree dwellers. They
have a flattened body meant to mimic a leaf and feet specially designed for
grasping limbs and branches. They have a prehensile tail that acts as a
fifth appendage and aids in climbing. Their eyes work independently of one
another allowing the chameleon to look in front of and behind itself at the
same time. They have a long sticky tongue that they use to capture their
insect prey. Veiled chameleons are ambush predators and are capable of lying
still for very long periods of time waiting for an unsuspecting locust to
wander by.
Did you know?
The male veiled chameleon is green in color and, depending on mood, this
green will range from a bright lime green to a drab red olive, while
non-breeding females and juvenile chameleons are generally a uniform green
color with some white markings. The prominence of these markings is
dependent on several factors including health, mood, and temperature of the
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