DobhareachAcinonyx jubatus
Habitat:Open plains. Now restricted to sub-Saharan Africa, wild cheetahs once were found in most of Africa, the plains of southern Asia, the Middle East and India.
Scientific name: Acinonyx jubatus
IUCN Status: Vulnerable
Diet: The cheetah is a carnivore, eating mostly mammals
under 40 kg, including the Thomson's gazelle, the Grant's gazelle, the
springbok and the impala. The young of larger mammals such as
wildebeests and zebras are taken at times, and adults too, when the cats
hunt in groups. Guineafowl and hares are also prey.
Habitat: Open plains. Now restricted to sub-Saharan
Africa, wild cheetahs once were found in most of Africa, the plains of
southern Asia, the Middle East and India.
With a life span of 10 to 12 years, the cheetah is basically a solitary
animal. At times a male will accompany a female for a short while after
mating, but most often the female is alone or with her cubs. The cheetah
is smaller than leopards or lions, but by far the fastest of the cats
and at speeds of 70 miles per hour it can run faster than all other
Did you know?
The name cheetah comes from an Indian word meaning
"spotted one."
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