Chilean Flamingo
Bongó oirthearachTragelaphus eurycerus isaaci
Habitat:Central Kenya – forests Diet: Herbivore – leaves, shrubs, bushes, rotting bark, grasses, herbs, roots, cereals, fruits
IUCN status Near threatened
Habitat Chile, southern Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Uruguay,
Paraguay, Argentina – shallow salt water
lakes, rivers, streams
Diet Carnivore – tiny crustaceans, insects, snails and
micro-organisms living in water and mud
Flamingos build cone-shaped nests of mud with a dip at the top to
prevent the single egg from rolling off. Upside-down filter feeders,
they use their tongue and beak to pump water and collect food, and stand
on one leg to save energy and retain body heat. Parent flamingos can
recognise their chicks by their call in a crowd of around 30,000 other
Did you know?
A flamingo’s leg does not bend backwards; what looks like its knee is
actually its ankle and so bends the right way. The knees are hidden
under the wings!
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