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Mel Sheridan


Fabourite Animals

The rhinos

Time at Zoo

3 Years


How did you become a zookeeper?
I always wanted to work with animals so I studied zoology in college and applied to Dublin Zoo upon graduating.

How long have you been working in Dublin Zoo?
2 years

What section of Dublin Zoo do you work in?
I work weekdays on the Eastside of the zoo with sealions, on the farm and with the small primates. On weekends I work with the hippos and rhinos on the African Plains

Which are your favourite animals in the Zoo?
The rhinos, especially the new calf!

Do you have any pets at home?
Yes, just 2 cats at the moment

Can you tell us one of your most exciting/most memorable moments in the Zoo?
Beginning my sealion training. It’s always exciting training Cassie in front of a big crowd, as I never know what she will do! And of course the birth of the baby rhino.

What do you love most about your job?
Working with such exotic and unusual animals

What’s the most difficult thing about your work?
Saying goodbye to any animal, whether it’s through a transfer or illness

When you’re not working in the zoo, what other hobbies or interests do you have?
Going to the gym, reading and travelling

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