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Nile crocodile

Nile Crocodile

Crogall Níleach

Crocodylus Niloticus


Throughout sub-Saharan Africa, the Nile Basin and west Madagascar – rivers, freshwater marshes, mangrove swamps

IUCN status Listed

Habitat Throughout sub-Saharan Africa, the Nile Basin and west Madagascar – rivers, freshwater marshes, mangrove swamps

Diet Carnivore – mainly fish, also zebra, wildebeest, gazelle, small hippos, porcupine, birds, other crocodiles, carrion

At nearly six metres (20ft.) in length and weighing up to 730kg (1650lb), Nile crocs are among the largest of all crocodiles. Although fearsome predators, they are caring parents and guard their nest of eggs for months, digging them up when the babies ‘chirp’ and helping them hatch. Females carry the babies by mouth to water and stay with them for two months.

Did you know?
Unable to control body temperatures internally, crocodiles bask in the sun to warm up and slide into water to cool off, opening their mouths to release heat.

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