Kenneth Mackey
Fabourite AnimalsI Like Them All
Time at Zoo18 Years
How did you become a zookeeper?
I always had an interest in animals and worked with horses for a time. A
friend of mine was an elephant keeper and he helped me get a keeping job
in Dublin Zoo. I’ve been a keeper now for 17 years.
How long have you been working in Dublin Zoo?
4 and a half years
What kind of animals do you take care of?
Rhinos and Hippos in the African Plains section.
Which are your favourite animals in the Zoo?
No favourites – I like them all!
Do you have any pets at home?
Racing pigeons.
Can you tell us one of your most exciting moments in the Zoo?
The birth of Zuki, Dublin Zoo’s young southern white rhinoceros, was
very exciting. I had been coming back to keep an eye on Ashanti (Zuki’s
mum) for the last week of her pregnancy when one night I arrived later
than usual. As I arrived I checked the camera to see if all was well and
Ashanti was acting normally, but about 15 minutes later she went into
labour. Half an hour later we had a new rhino calf. The experience of
being present at such an event was second to none.
What do you love most about your job?
Everything! The people are great. We all try to help one another when we
can. The animals! No two days are ever the same.
What’s the most difficult thing about your work?
When an animal is sick – I worry about the animals in my care - it can
be hard. Animals can’t tell you what is going on.
When you’re not working in the zoo, what other hobbies or
interests do you have?
Racing pigeons
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